Anastacia Taline Bare! Check out her latest magazine “bare.”

You can download these photos of Anastacia now, direct to your computer, ipad, iphone or tablet!

I really love working with Anastacia. She is effortlessly beautiful and a great model, a natural beauty.

Checkout her beautiful photos:

  • 7 sexy modern glamour photo sets
  • Topless and nude
  • 149 HD Photos
  • 152 page magazine
  • Shot in Newcastle
  • Download this photo set now!

How to download

Simply click download, enter your details and you can download straight away!

Our magazines contain no adverts, no reviews, just beautiful HD photos for you to enjoy on your iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Android, Windows phone, or computer!

Look inside the magazine

Check out a preview gallery of pages from the actual magazines.
#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */


About this cover image:
I designed this magazine cover to ask a question; a question of what is real.

In our age of photoshop and digital manipulation of still images, video and audio, is anything real? Is anything we see, truly a representation of what was there?

Is ink really for life?

Anastacia is a beautiful and talented model, who I really enjoy working with. She is known for being a respected and talented model, and also for being tattooed.

When I started editing this photo, I went through my usual editing steps, skin, eyes, levels, curves, colour etc. Then went a step further, the final product you see on the front cover of this magazine.

If an image can be edited so much that a permanent feature like a tattoo can be removed, is anything we see in today’s media real?

Are the stars and people in the media spot light real, or just a caricature of an ideal?

On a personal note, I love Anastacia’s tattoos and think they are as much a part of her as an arm or leg. When looking at the final cover image, it looks alien to me, that’s not the person I know. It just doesn’t look right with her tattoo’s missing.

How do you relate to the image?


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